- We pledge to lead by example and become net-zero carbon by 2023 -
The Cyprus Energy Agency [CEA] is a small, non-profit organization, located in Nicosia. In 2012, CEA moved its operations into an old building in the historic center of Nicosia -renovated and significantly improved the building’s energy score, by installing double glazing in all openings, energy efficient heating and cooling systems, and upgrading all equipment to Energy Star rated. We also moved all paperwork to digitaland replaced our physical server with an online cloud.

In 2021, CEA started offering incentives to employees that choose to travel to and from work using alternative modes of transport, such as buses, biking, and walking. Currently, 2% of our team has secured additional paid leave because of their transportation choices.

All plastic and paper products are recycledand employees are encouraged to avoid single-use plastics. Also, the composting of organic waste has been introduced. Finally, all office supplies are EcoLabel certified and/or recycled..

CEA is currently planning the installation of a green roof and solar photovoltaic arrayfor its offices. When installed, the panels will produce enough electricity to cover most of the office’s energy needs, while the green roof will provide much-needed green space for the biodiversity of the historic urban area. The roof will not only act as a carbon sink, but will also be a test bed and a showcase of the green roof technology for effective replication in Cyprus.

As for our future plans, CEA’s office car will be upgraded to electric and an electric charging station will be installed in the public parking used by our team. Finally, business air travel and all accommodation will be offset by the end of XNUMX.
CEA’s overall work is dedicated to developing and securing a more environmentally sustainable future for the Public and the Local Authorities of Cyprus. Amongst others, our work scope consists of assisting municipalities in reducing their carbon emissions through the development of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans; and securing funds for the implementation of energy efficiency improvements and pilot sustainability solutions in communities, schools, and low-income households. We also often participate, lead, and act as the national representative in international programmes aiming to fund, guide and pilot sustainability initiatives in Cyprus.
In order to achieve this, CEA is currently preparing an action plan for the monitoring and implementation of the progress towards net-zero, which will include establishing an office point of contact, responsible for ensuring the pact is achieved. We particularly plan on providing regular update of our performance through our website, and an annual report summarizing the trends and challenges observed.
– By becoming net-zero by 2023, we hope to not only guide others, but actively change our own operations to match the greater goal of reducing carbon emissions locally and globally –

🌳 WE MADE A PLEDGE FOR OUR PLANET 🌍 We are proud to announce we have joined the #EUClimatePact! We are taking concrete action for the climate and the environment. We encourage you to do the same - join the movement and help build a greener Europe! Find out more at europa.eu/climate-pact. #MyWorldOurPlanet |
- What is the European Climate Pact? –
The European Climate Pact is a Europe-wide initiative calling on individuals, communities, and organizations to take part in climate action and build a greener Europe. This Pact, which is part of the European Green Deal, provides everyone with a place to exchange information, discuss, and take action on the climate crisis, and to participate in the ever-expanding European climate movement.
The Cyprus Energy Agency is a proud ambassador of the European Climate Pact in Cyprus, and within this framework, it aims to disseminate scientifically sound information on climate action and provide practical advice. It also aims to support local initiatives and encourage commitments to take climate action, helping to mobilise support and participation.
To learn more about the European Climate Pact, click here and follow it on social media:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUClimateAction
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/EUClimateAction
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ourplanet_eu/
News & Updates
- The European Climate Pact Handbook
- European Climate Pact Launch Event (Includes event goals, agenda and audiovisual material)
- The Cyprus Energy Agency the new National Coordinators of the EU Climate Pact in Cyprus
- Invitation for Ambassadors of the European Pact for the Climate – Expired on October 15, 2023
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