We and our world:
- Movie “Reset Earth: One Ozone. One Planet. One Chance - the movie ”(ΕΝ)
- Movie "Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth" (Official Trailer, ΕΝ)
- Application “Our Planet - Our Future | Fighting Climate Change Together ”
Elements of nature:
- Pollinators Identification Cards (GR) (EN) (SPOUSE) (IT) (FR) (Card Box ES)
- Pollinators: Educational material, Posters & Infographics for students
- Bogtastic card game - Peatlands edition
- The Birds & The Bees
Energy and Renewable Energy Sources (RES):
- Comic Book “MAESTRALE and the Energies of the Mediterranean Sea” (EN) (SPOUSE) (IT) (FR)
- Renewable Energy Sources (Video in English)
- Electricity (Video in English)
- Solar power (Video in English)
- Hydropower (Video in English)
- Wave energy (Video in English)
- Geothermal energy (Video in English)
- Biomass: (Video in English)
- Photovoltaic energy (Video in English)
- Solar thermal energy (Video in English)
- Wind power (Video in English)
- Video "What is Energy?" (Video in English)
- Video "What is Energy Efficiency?" (Video in English)
- Video "What are RES?" (Video in English)
- Video "What are the EU's energy sources?" (GR) (EN)
- Video "What could be the energy of the future?" (Video in English)
- Video "How is wind energy produced?" (Video in English)
- Video "How does a wind turbine work?" (GR) (EN)